Moms Everywhere…Imagine This!

Wines Delivered to Your Door!

moms everywhere

What Every Mom Needs…to Relax!

Let’s face it!  Moms need to relax!  People around us telling us all the time.  “You just need some time to relax.”  Your spouse, “Honey, relax.  Everything will turn out fine.”  Your independent dependents (the kids), “Mom! Chill out!”  Your own mother, “Make sure you take some time to relax after the kids go to sleep.”  And finally, your friends, “We should get together and go somewhere to relax.”

Like many of you other mothers out there, I start imagining what relaxation might look like.  Hmmm….

Girls Night Out

I love getting together with the girls.  When we all break away from our daily routines and demands from our bosses and families.  Put us all in a room with a couple bottles of wine and some snacks.  Then let the good times roll.  Immediately, the sharing and laughter begin.  With each sip of wine, the relaxation sets in a little more.  Girl talk at any age is girl talk.  The “wiser” we become with each year of added experiences just means we have that much more ground to cover.  What better way to reconnect with friends, reconnect with my own inner self and just relax than to share some wine with my besties!

moms everywhere

As much as I love getting together for a Girls Night Out, it doesn’t always work out for everyone to schedule.  More often than not, I am working or attending to the family and just don’t have the time to get away.


Date Night

One of my favorite escapes is getting out just the two of us.  Catching an evening outdoor Shakespeare play with a quaint little picnic and a glass or two of wine.  The mood is set to just kick back and relax!  Have you seen some of those really adorable picnic baskets with coolers, pockets for your wine, wine glasses and plate and utensil sets?  Some of them even have a blanket included. Oh, and yes, the corkscrew!  I even found one that includes the wine bottle stopper.

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A Few Moments Alone

What mom doesn’t dream of having time to herself?  Having those quiet moments when nobody has an immediate need is like drifting on a cloud in heaven…then, with a relaxed sigh I just say:

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Image result for image wine and bubble bath

Then I remember what it is more likely to look like!  Only thing wrong in this picture is the book she is reading isn’t Winnie the Pooh or Dora the Explorer.

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Good News for Moms Everywhere

Okay.  So the Girls Night Out didn’t pan out.  The bath was not as alone and quiet as had been imagined either.  But now, with the brilliantly convenient delivery service of wine to my front door, when those rare moments come about, I will be ready to go in a “moment’s” notice.  Wine on hand.  In fact, hand-picked FINE wine from unique boutique wineries from all around the world.  That’s right!  Moms can have wine delivered, yes, delivered, right to the front door.

Wines Delivered to Your Door

Right away, relax!  When you got through the grocery list and you forgot to grab a bottle of wine, no worries.  Your wine is on its way!

Unexpected company shows at your door or your husband calls you last minute to say he’s invited his boss and his boss’s wife over for dinner.  Not a problem.  You have a nice bottle of wine on hand.  By the way, the wine club offers wine profile information on their member website so you will be able to share details about the wine, where its from and what those “hints of” and “aromas” are swirling in the glass.  Plus, it includes suggestions for meal pairings which will make this last minute dinner gathering sooo much easier!  So Relax!

Never feel you have to arrive at a party empty handed.  Or not have a quick birthday gift.  You got this!  As  long as you sign up for wine delivered to your door!

You can choose:  2 bottles or 4 bottles – red or white or mix!




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Start Here – and get Fine Wines Delivered to you Monthly – and start Enjoying the Life Experiences You Deserve!