Bed Breakfast and Brunch

Bed Breakfast Brunch. There are certain foods meant to be in this category. The recipes here are the kind begging to be served in bed or late-morning. Yet, soups, while great in bed when you are sick, are going to hit later in the day. Naturally, this is all based on opinion.

Starting Out Your Day

There is nothing better to start your day then waking up in bed and being able to linger a bit longer having breakfast or brunch. Chances are when you have time to linger in bed for a meal like this, then you have time to spread it out from breakfast in bed to brunch in bed. Therefore, the best way to start out your day is with bed breakfast and brunch! I highly recommend it.

Bed breakfast and brunch is not a reserved party only for special events. Often, it is only prepared for Mother’s Day, an Anniversary or Birthday or some other big holiday like Valentine’s Day or Christmas morning (before kids)! However, why not have bed breakfast and brunch on a weekend? Or make arrangements to be in the office a little late one morning and have a special date. When were you going to use your vacation time anyway? Sick day? (Or work from home like I do and you don’t have to worry about reporting into your J-O-B. If you are interested in learning more about how you can work from home, go here).

Bed Breakfast Brunch Recipes

Hazelnut French Toast with Strawberries

This is a super simple, indulgent light breakfast recipe perfect for special days as a breakfast in bed. Especially, keep this one in mind for Valentine’s Day and Mother’s Day. Of course, use it frequently while strawberries are in season too!

Rolled French Toast with Choice of Fillings

Rolled French Toast is a quick grab-n-go treat. Which, in my book, makes it a great treat for in bed too. No silverware necessary. Pick it up with your fingers and enjoy. For a little extra effort (depending on the filling), you can make a sauce to dip these yummy delights in too! Or simply dip in fresh whipped cream. You won’t be disappointed.

Grilled Strawberry Cream Cheese Sandwich

Taking a sweet spin on a classic savory ham and cheese sandwich, this will be loved by the sweet tooth in your family. It makes for a great breakfast sandwich on a summer morning or as an addition to savory meats, egg dishes and potato hashes on a brunch buffet. Kids will love them too!

Paleo Breakfast BBQ Style

Smoked Breakfast Casserole. This is a popular recipe featured in a special, one of a kind Paleo Barbecue cookbook. Learn from an 8x championship BBQ Pitmaster how to turn your everyday backyard barbecue into delicious proteins and dishes that you can use for any meal, including a breakfast or a brunch – even in bed!

Bed Breakfast Brunch

Add to the Bed Breakfast Brunch Collection

Do you have that ONE favorite breakfast recipe that curls your toes in delight? Share it with us, please! If you believe it deserves to be on this list, then please register on the right-hand side of the page to receive updates and email your name, location and recipe to me directly at (Include your website too).

Champagne Breakfast

Most surely you have heard of a Champagne Breakfast! A highly recognizable pairing on many menus for special events such as Mother’s Day. Also, regularly found in restaurants offering a weekly Sunday brunch. In fact, if you ever have trouble finding a restaurant with a Sunday brunch, check your local hotels. Especially the fancier hotels. Commonly, they will offer regular dining services in a more quiet and intimate dining area and then promote the plentiful feast of a champagne brunch in a larger catering area. Meanwhile, champagne isn’t what I typically have on hand.

Bed Breakfast Brunch Wine Pairing

What I do have in inventory is my amazing fine wine! I get my wines delivered to my front door once a month. It’s convenient and affordable. I prefer a mix of reds and whites because I can pair it with different meals. Plus, I have something to offer to everyone. But you can pick just reds or just whites.

A Red Pairing

For example, steak and eggs and country potatoes are a great pairing with a full and fruity Tuscan varietal. Bold enough to hold up to the savory and heartiness of the steak. Yet, offering a hint of sweet relief to compliment the meal. Stivale Del Sole Sangiovese Puglia 2018 makes an ideal pairing.

A White Pairing

For the white wine lover, the Petit Joie Sauvignon Blanc France 2017 would be my recommendation. This delicious white wine comes from the Sauvignon Blanc grape and smells a touch of grapefruit and pineapple. Comparably, it offers a full and fruity pairing to the steak but this time invites a hint of acidity in a citrus essence.



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bed breakfast brunch