Kids Outer Wear

Kids Outer Wear.  Kidorable is a great place to find seasonal outer wear accessories for your younger kiddos.  From hooded towels to knitwear and gloves.  These pieces from Kidorable work superbly to keep your kiddos covered accordingly for the season. Meanwhile, the characters delight their minds.


The rain gear is adorable in a variety of characters.  Although the rain gear is sold in separate pieces, you can make your own set with matching rain boots and a matching umbrella.  Consequently, you will be smiling as your daughter pretends to be Dora the Explorer or a Ballerina.  Or giggling as your son talks in a Pirate accent or growls his biggest Dinosaur growl.

These character themes are carried over to knit sets for winter wear.  The knit sets include hats, scarves and gloves.  Prices are very reasonable for all Kidorable outer wear and accessories.  Don’t be surprised when you find yourself investing in a new character for each season!

In the summer, you will enjoy finding character hooded towels to take to the pool or the beach.

Image result for free images kids playing swim pool


Kidorable also helps motivate our kiddos to WANT to hang up their clothes with specially designed hangar sets painted….you guessed it, just like the characters for their other products.  Such a great idea!  AND…for our little ones that are just starting to go to school, Kidorable has the matching backpacks too.

Check out Kidorable now.  They have a FREE UMBRELLA OFFER and they offer an additional 5% off your order for your referral to a friend.   Don’t miss out on their sale items either!