Barbecue Secrets

Barbecue Secrets are America’s best kept secrets.  Discover these secrets here when you download the e-book sharing all the best information on barbecuing competition style.

Let’s think about it!  What do Americans love to do more than anything else? Yep, EAT!  Then, think about a favorite past-time that includes eating.  That’s right!  Summer barbecues.  Now, let’s examine the difference between barbecuing and grilling:

Understanding the Difference Between Barbecuing and Grilling


This refers to the method of cooking when the meat is placed in a space dedicated for cooking at a low temperature.  The lid or door is typically closed and remains closed until the meat is finished cooking.  The process is generally several hours long depending on the temperature, the weight of the meat and the desired outcome.  Imagine meat so perfectly cooked low n’ slow that it just falls off the bone.  Tender and delicious.

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For this method of cooking, a heat source needs to come from directly below the meat.  Most commonly, this is reserved for smaller portions of meats.  For example, you will grill a steak but BBQ a beef brisket.  A desired effect of grilling is often showing the grill marks.  To achieve grill marks, bring the grill to a high temp prior to placing the meat over the heat.  You will need to pay closer attention using this method to cook because it does cook much faster and you don’t want to over cook your meat.  Grilling time could take just a minute or two or a little longer depending again on the desired outcome.  For instance, medium rare, think of your steaks with that great carmelized sear on the outside of the steak and the juicy pink center.

The Word Barbecue

It is said the word itself comes from the Western Indian term “Barbacoa” which refers to the method of slow cooking over low heat.  Although there is also a French term, “barbe a queue”, which means “from head to tail” that some people believe is the origin of the word.  Plausibly, Native Americans were using the slow cooking method on whole pigs to show their gratitude for the life of the pig.  Then French settlers learned the method and barbacoa became barbecue.  Sounds good, right?

A Little Background on Barbecue

There are some different theories on exactly where barbecue began but Americans would prefer to stand by the theory it was created here.  In fact, more specifically, created in the Southern regions often referred to as the Bible Belt or Southern Belt.  But there are many defined “belts” and barbecue hasn’t been proven to be restricted to just one of those belts.  Or we can call the regions the Barbecue Belt.  What does seem consistent is that the pig (wild hog) has been involved from the start.  Pigs were prevalent in the area reproducing at high rates and rapidly.  They tended to be more lean than most pigs raised for our consumption today though.  However, when food supplies ran low, a pig was a meal worthy of gathering everyone together for a feast.  Every bit of the pig was cooked, some parts were even considered delicacies, such as the ears.

Plantation owners would sometimes feed their slaves with pigs because it was a low cost way to feed them and there was little to no waste.  This was one of the rare things many plantation owners would share with their slaves.  Over time, the feasting on pig became irresistible. Gathering to cook the pig and the time spent together enjoying the feast had become a regular event across the South.  Families, Neighbors, Friends would enjoy the succulent pork.

From the tribes (depending on the theory of origin you choose) to colonies to plantations, farmers eventually began raising pigs specifically for our consumption.  They fed them well to fatten them up.  It became the meal of choice on church days for the congregations to share.  It led to crowds listening to political speeches.  Then folks began using pits to cook the pigs but they required much attention to keep the heat source going.  The start of the pit master.


Barbecue Establishes Itself Across America

The first barbecue pits were mostly found near farms.  Therefore, people began to travel to the pits to get a taste of these tender morsels.

The popularity of the barbecue continued with the introduction of the automobile. In fact, it made it easier to transport the pig, build a pit in a special location and it resulted in the street side barbecue.  People could drive up, enjoy some barbecue pork and travel on down the road.  And that’s exactly what they did!  Now, years later, people everywhere try to mimic the secrets of the Southern Barbecue.  So much so that people have kept their spice rubs and special preparation of the meats secret.  They join competitions!  Oh…and yes, it is no longer just about pork.  Beef brisket and chicken have been added to the menu along with a favorite side, barbecue beans!

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Become a Barbecue Master

By now, your mouth must be watering!  I know you can envision that pork slowly roasting, the special secret blend of spices and herbs, the sauces dripping over morsels of tender meat.  Well, hopefully, you started your barbecue wood before you sat down to read this page!  Because its time to learn all the secrets, implement them and put your meat on the heat!

There are several books available on the topic of Barbecue.  One pit master, an 8x grand champion winner for best brisket, has put together one master e-book filled with just how he was able to win eight times over.  He has compiled techniques, tools, rubs, sauces and secrets into one place just for you.  Competition BBQ Secrets 300 Degrees Hot & Fast.  You will find secrets for barbecuing chicken, ribs, brisket and pork butt that will melt in your mouth.

Learn about different cookers and fire management.  Discover different woods and flavors of wood.  Understand the brining process, the smoking process and marinating or injecting options.  Determine if you prefer using a dry rub or dressing with a wet sauce.  Explore all the different meats you can barbecue.

Take It to the Next Level

Now that you are an accomplished barbecue pit master, take it up a notch and enter your first competition.  Enjoy yourself!  And Congratulations!

Be sure to visit other pages on this website to wash your barbecue down, a wine to pair it with…or how to work it off!

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