Yoga Apparel

Yoga Apparel.  Yoga clothing for the family that’s comfortable.  The right yoga outfit allows the body to move with fluidity between stretches and poses.  All apparel for your yoga needs are available at reasonable prices at Yoga Clothing for You.

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It’s hard to say how the yoga costume evolved.  When you look around the internet, you will see outfits that appear to be what we commonly see as traditional martial arts outfits.  At least something that is fairly similar.  Anything modern day yoga are stretch exercise pants and tank tops.  That’s why Yoga Clothing for You is the best place to shop for your yoga needs.


From the pants to the bra and tank, your clothing choice for yoga is incredibly important.  For yoga beginners, jeans and an oversized baggy t-shirt aren’t going to work.  The art of yoga requires stretching, bending, and body positioning often in a hold.  You will need to wear pants that allow you to stretch with ease.  In summer heat, you may choose to wear shorts.  While yoga seems to be a slow moving exercise, it can still work up a good sweat for you and even if it isn’t summer heat, you may prefer shorts in the winter too.

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It is highly recommended for your choice of yoga top to be a sleeveless, fitted tank.  Tanks make an ideal choice because the shirt tends to stay in place and not slide up or down with your body movements and the sleeveless allows for total freedom of arm movement.

Yoga and Freedom have a special bond for certain people.  You’ll discover people who feel this bond often also have a tendency to delight in the art of tie dye.  For this reason, don’t be surprised when you see your fellow yoga practitioners looking like they came off a bus straight from the 60’s.  The best part, Yoga Clothing for You has embraced this special bond too and features a great TIE DYE line of yoga apparel.

Kids are getting in on the action too!  Thankfully, Yoga Clothing for You isn’t just for Men and Women.  They didn’t leave our youth behind.  See what is available for the kids.  Shop here now.

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Yoga can be traced back 5,000 years ago.  Some believe the practice of yoga is even older than that, possibly up to 10,000 years old.  Regardless of its true age, yoga seems to be divided into four developmental phases from ancient times to modern day practice.  The Pre-classical stage was conceptual development of self knowledge, awareness and wisdom with and through actions intended to keep humility with one’s ego.  I should mention also the practice of yoga was exclusive to men.  I imagine the ancient yoga clothing was in draping robes.

The Classical stage of yoga brought structure to its practice.  It is said the “eight limbed path” was introduced at this time.  This created an organized approach to the overall spiritual growth and self awareness a yoga practitioner set to achieve.  Ultimately, these paths all lead to personal enlightenment.

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Post-Classical yoga returned focus back to the physical body.  While it did not reject the importance of spiritual enlightenment, the ideal self-awareness was by learning ways to cleanse the mind and body.  By doing so, an individual would have the ability to release the physical being’s mere existence for a more pure and humble life.

We are said to be in the Modern Period.  In these times, the focus of yoga is on its creating more followers and training more people to live a life seeking personal enlightenment.  This is also when women began studying and practicing yoga.  Supposedly, the first woman began learning in an all boys school in India in the 1930’s.  Although we find people nowadays join yoga for a number of reasons, most are not likely seeking the enlightenment of our predecessors intentions.  MOST yoga practitioners of today are WOMEN!


Now you are ready to YOGA!

Yoga Clothing for You has more than just the basics.  They also have hoodies, headbands, long sleeves and V-neck shirts.  Despite any recommendations, YOU have to be the one comfortable in what you are wearing.  You don’t want your clothing to be a distraction either physically or mentally.  Click right now to find what works BEST for YOU!