Chocolate Lovers Delight

Chocolate!  Anything and everything chocolate.  Plus candy and other sweet treats.  For indulging, binging and gifting.  This is the chocolate lovers go-to place for ordering chocolate for every occasion.  Every holiday welcomes chocolate.  Think Valentine’s Day, Mother’s Day, Easter and more!  Pair it with fresh fruit or a fine wine.  This is the place. Mark it on your favorites.

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What Makes Chocolate So Desirable

When you look around the internet searching the answer to this question you will see a variety of articles about scientific studies.  These are quite fascinating.  The scientists cover the idea of chocolate having a psychological effect on us as the brain registers its pleasure zone so therefore chocolate is a reward.  Well, who can argue that?

Another theory discusses the relationship between magnesium deficiencies creating low energy bodies and how chocolate provides magnesium and theobromine.  The magnesium fills a void for the brain and the theobromine works on stimulating the heart.  Aha!  The real reason chocolate relates to romance.

There is more information on all the science all over the internet.  But let’s get real!  Chocolate is so desirable because it tastes so good!  No other explanation is necessary.  It’s just that simple.  Because it comes in so many forms, it makes it that much easier to love because there are chocolate options for everyone’s delight.

History of Chocolate

One Man’s Theory

I was describing to a male friend I was doing a little research on the history of chocolate.  Before I share with you the basics of what I learned, I am compelled to share my friend’s one sentence version of the history of chocolate. Simply, to him, “It all started with Willy Wonka”!  Go ahead and laugh.  I definitely enjoyed his sarcastic humor and will continue to look for a golden ticket!

chocolate lovers

The Real History

The real history of chocolate begins with a bean in Mesomerica.  Mesoamerica refers to Middle America.  The bean is the product of the cacao tree.  These trees stretch between North America and South America.  It was in the land of the Aztec where people transformed the bean into a liquid aphrodisiac.  Timeline is estimated to be around the 1600’s but it may have been around longer.

Aztecs combined the bean in a hot water and often added chili pepper to it.  In its original liquid form, chocolate was quite bitter. After Europeans began traveling the world, eventually this cacao bean in its liquid form was introduced to Europe where they began adding sugar to sweeten its flavor.  The spread of the liquid cacao bean found its way to Spain where the Spaniards added sugar and honey making the liquid sweet.  The drink was considered medicinal and lavish.  Only the elites or men could partake of the beverage.

Evolution of Chocolate

The real evolution of chocolate to a solid form came in the 1800’s.  First, by removing part of the natural fat, then re-adding it back into the liquid with the sugars and newly added salts, chocolate began taking solid form.  This happened mid 1800’s (1847) and credit is given to Joseph Fry for the creation of the modern day candy bar.  Then the industrial revolution provided opportunities for streamlining all sorts of processing.  In all the new processes, new companies were being created.  Examples of companies created in the 1800’s are Lindt, Nestle, Cadbury and Hershey.  Russell Stover, a beloved American favorite and leader of sugar free chocolates, began in 1923.

Dark Chocolate for Chocolate Lovers

Adding alkaline salts to the cacao liquid meant the bitterness of the flavor was diminished. All chocolate, even thought not technically called chocolate until many years later, held a bitter taste.  Sugar and honey helped sweeten the pungency but didn’t remove the natural taste entirely.

Personally, I find when I want something sweet but want to avoid over indulging, I will start with something more sweet like a milk chocolate.  Then I like to follow up or include a hint of that bitterness from a dark chocolate because it satisfies my cravings.

Milk Chocolate for Chocolate Lovers 

 Henri Nestle invented a powdered milk toward the second half of the 1800’s.  But he did not invent milk chocolate!  It was, in fact, a gentleman named Daniel Peter that combined the powdered milk from Henri Nestle with the sweetened liquid cacao, now referred to as chocolate beverages (often liquors).  By the end of the 1800’s, Hershey was coating caramels with the satin smooth milk chocolate.  C’mon chocolate lovers.  Let the drooling begin!

Chocolate and Peanut Butter for Chocolate Lovers

According to the book REESE’S Peanut Butter Cups: The Untold Story: Inventor, H.B. Reese, the unique combination of milk chocolate and peanut butter was discovered by Inventor H.B. Reese.  The story is a well told documentation by the grandson of Mr. Reese and of how this food duo came to celebrated.  From its first concept to the billions of Reese’s peanut butter cups sold today.  Now companies combine the two foods creating yummy treats in all shapes and sizes for any special occasion to an every day snack.  Not many can resist this tasty blend!

White Chocolate for Chocolate Lovers

Of all the chocolates, this is the one that is controversial.  For starters, some people don’t believe white chocolate is chocolate at all.  Although most agree it was first introduced in Switzerland, it also cannot be linked as a discovery for any one individual.  It seems rather that white chocolate is basically the natural butter fat removed from dark chocolate.  Once it is removed, it is enhanced with milk and sugar.  Powdered milk to be more specific.  The first time it appeared is also debatable, however there is a generally accepted window between 1897-1930.


“My mama always said, life is like a box of chocolates, you never know what you’re gonna get.” – Forrest Gump

The classical movie, Forrest Gump, gave rise to the most famous chocolate quote of all time.  Tom Hanks played the character Forrest Gump.  His mama was played by Sally Field.  To pick one scene as the best scene of this movie is a challenge.  Several quotes have come from this movie and remain recognizable still today so many years later.  But the scene I loved was Forrest sitting on a bench next to a woman.  It appears she is a nurse and not much interested in having a conversation as she keeps her nose in a magazine.  He offers her a chocolate then relays the quote. And the scene where he is sharing his chocolates with a couple.

 Health Benefits of Chocolate

  • Chocolate is nutritious.  It is full of fiber, magnesium, manganese, copper, iron and more minerals.
  • Cocoa and dark chocolate have a wide variety of powerful antioxidants, way more than most other foods.
  • The bioactive compounds in cocoa can improve blood flow in the arteries and cause a small but statistically significant decrease in blood pressure.
  • Dark chocolate improves several important risk factors for disease. It lowers the susceptibility of LDL to oxidative damage while increasing HDL and improving insulin sensitivity.
  • Observational studies show a drastic reduction in heart disease risk for the people who consume the most chocolate.  This means chocolate in moderation is actually good for your heart, just like red wine.  We’ll cover this more later!
  • Studies show that the flavanols from cocoa can improve blood flow to the skin and protect it against sun-induced damage.  There are even more flavonoids in dark chocolate than in apples.

It Gets Better…Here Are More Benefits of Chocolate Consumption

  • Dark chocolate may also improve the function of the brain.  Making it beneficial to the elderly, especially those impacted by cognitive deficiencies.  For the rest of folks, it can help boost your intelligence.  Now you know what to gift a few people in your life, right?  That’s what I thought too.  It must be all the chocolate I have eaten!
  • Weight loss can occur with a daily regimen of dark chocolate in small amounts consumed.  It resolves hunger and cravings by satiating the desires for salty, sweet, fatty and bitter all in one.  This  makes following a diet much easier resulting in more attainable and successful weight loss.
  • For women, especially pregnant women, dark chocolate helps relieve stress.  It has even been suggested children of women who consumed dark chocolate during their pregnancies tend to be happier children.
  • Assists with control of insulin affectibility.  A little bit of the dark stuff daily can keep the big “D” (Diabetes) at bay.
  • Helps relieve coughing.  Replace the codeine and go for the chocolate!  It’s much cheaper and doesn’t require a prescription.

Chocolate for Holidays

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I think back through my childhood memories. The Easter Bunny, St. Patrick, Santa…all big on chocolate!  My parents and grandparents love chocolate.  It never, I mean NEVER fails, my NEIGHBORS love chocolate.  I know this because I take my kids trick or treating on Halloween.  I drag them to my old haunting grounds and make them knock on all the doors I have knocked on many years ago.  Then I let them solicit our current neighbors for more candy.  I am not ashamed!  I take them to the trunk or treat too.  Then, I select my favorite chocolates and candies as I inspect the haul for safety.  I distribute their candies over time so the kids don’t get sick from eating it all in one night. (Not really…it’s so I can keep picking out my favorites!)

My point is that we gift chocolate, candies and other sweet treats year around.  When we are not gifting them, we are still including them in our meals and celebratory banquets.  Tootsie rolls flung from the paraders at Memorial Day, 4th of July, and Labor Day.  Brownies, chocolate cream pies, and the birthday (everyday) chocolate doughnut bar.  After all, it’s 5 O’ Chocolate meaning somebody’s birthday somewhere just like others celebrate favorite beverages at 5 O’clock somewhere!


The Chocolate Calendar According to Women

Aside from daily, my FAVORITE times to receive the GIFT OF CHOCOLATE is at Valentine’s Day and Mother’s Day.  Why?  Because those are the two days, aside from my birthday, that I feel I deserve to be celebrated.  As I get older, I wish for my birthday to be a much quieter celebration – at least until I figure out how to reverse the aging clock.  (I might be on to something here — check it out for yourself).  I am not alone feeling those events in particular are days to keep on your radar for the lady, wife, mother, sister or friend in your life.

chocolate lovers

Quick Word of Advice:  Daily chocolate, the chocolate ritual if you will, will help keep nagging at a minimum.  It will help keep a smile on a girl’s face.  Any day is a good day for chocolate!

Accessorize Your Chocolates

Chocolate with Flowers

The other most popular gift for women on Valentine’s Day, Mother’s Day and Her Birthday is the gift of flowers.  Women LOVE to receive flowers!  Nature’s bright colors and fresh smells assembled into a beautiful bouquet.  A single stem white rose to a dozen long stem roses.  The spring blooms of tulips and daffodils to the fall mum and winter poinsettia.  Flowers are simply enjoyable.  Women can show them off to their friends.  It’s almost like buying a new pair of shoes.

Genius idea was whomever created the first bouquet of flowers and figured out how to stick chocolate bars in the bouquet!  Are you kidding me?  Someone is looking to win over a heart!  Have you seen the bouquets now that are all chocolate?  Either all candy bar arrangements or chocolate dipped fruit arrangements are fun too!  These new ideas are fun, no doubt.  However, I still love the traditional bouquet of flowers with a box of chocolates.  (At Christmas, a poinsettia and a box of cherry cordials!)


Chocolate with Wine

Chocolate does have its history of being an aphrodisiac.  Imagine setting the mood for an intimate evening.  Create your space by arranging the flowers and candles first.  Set the lighting to low.  Unless you have a ton of candles, you want to avoid total darkness and only light by candlelight.  You can save that for later.  First impression, you want the woman you are celebrating to SEE the space you have decorated.

Take her hand, lead her to where you wish for her to get comfortable.  Present her with a tray of chocolates.  Add a single stem flower (in addition to the floral arrangement) to the tray.  Next, share a story with her as you uncork a great bottle of fine wine from a boutique winery somewhere across the world.  Tell her a story about where the wine has come from and pretend you are the Winemaster!  Together, swirl your wine, smell and taste!  She will be so impressed!


Chocolate with Stuffed Animals

It is imperative I at least mention one more cherished way to accessorize chocolate.  Complete your gift of chocolate by including a stuffed animal.  It’s been a treasured practice for decades.  It makes me wonder why do people give stuffed animals with chocolates?  I didn’t see anything from my internet searches that would tell me how, when or why this became a thing.

chocolate lovers

I present it is because chocolate is medicinal, comforting in a sense.  Stuffed animals are comforting.  Stuffed animals are soft like a flower petal.  We relax when we can hold on to a stuffed animal.  Similar to feelings of relaxation after having a glass of a soft, subtle and flowery wine.  Stuffed animals remind us of a precious memory, a place we visit, a feeling.  By pairing the two, we are working to create the memory and the feeling so with each bite of chocolate, we come back to a memory.  Like this psychological circle.

Without further adieu, browse now for a selection of teddy bears, bunnies, a chick and a lamb.

Candies and More Sweet Treats

Russell Stover is a leading manufacturer of chocolates.  You can select a box of chocolates, mix and match chocolatesbuild your own box or look for special occasion gifts.  Russell Stover also offers a wide variety of all the old time favorite hard candies.  Remember those candies wrapped in what looked like a strawberry wrapping?  Yep, you can order those here.  Lemon heads and Root beer too!  For those needing sugar free candies, there is a really nice big selection of flavors.  There are also jelly beans available.

What else goes well with chocolate?  Brittle!  This sugary sweet treat is an option.  In a one-pound box, you can choose from peanut brittle, pecan brittle or cashew brittle.  Of course, there is also a sugar-free peanut brittle.  Caramels, nougats, and toffee too.  Amazing, huh!

Attention Chocolate Lovers:


Order ahead for your next holiday, birthday or just because you need some for yourself!

Dark Chocolate  –  Milk Chocolate  –  White Chocolate

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