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Mom Wine Rituals Induced by Preteens Across America

Preteens lead to mom wine rituals across America.  Moms are drinking wine as part of their evening ritual after spending the day with their preteen.  Even the mom with the best intentions succumbs to the pressure.  Needing something strong to relieve the angst of parenting a child on the verge of teenager-ism.  In fact, the ritual helps the moms everywhere from physically cracking into pieces and melting onto the floor in puddles of frustration and tears.  As we watch our young ones enter and travel through the tunnel of puberty — like watching those cute little buddy creatures called “Gremlins”, to all these moms, I say #SALUT, #SANTE, #PROST, #SALUD, flat out… #CHEERS!

Mom Wine Rituals Induced by Preteens Across America


This is for moms across America.  (OK to include aunts, besties, grandmas, stepmoms and any other woman helping raise YOUR preteen or any preteen–it takes a village).  Have you noticed your wine drinking has gone beyond a glass or two a week for social purposes?  Have you included a glass of wine with your dinner every night or after dinner?  What about that glass of wine you drink soaking in a hot bubble bath?  Oh, and what about the wine you drink while reading by the fireplace winding down before bedtime?  When you  answer yes to one of the above questions, you have entered the daily mom wine rituals!  Congratulations!  (If you haven’t officially joined the club where wine is delivered directly to your door, stop right here to JOIN NOW.

A Wine Ritual Concept

This concept of mom wine rituals isn’t just a pop up hot dog cart somewhere.  (Hey, those are pretty great too…especially late night after a night out).  But I digress.  The whole thing is that the ritual can be experienced in a group of moms, group of two, three, four or more.  One mom by herself can be enlightened with the mom wine ritual.  Either way, we can look at each other sometimes and without saying a word aloud we know what is on each other’s mind…wine-thirty!

Wine-thirty!  Exactly.  That’s the lingo.  We come up with all sorts of ways to get across our intentions of partaking of this fashionable liquid called wine.  It’s probably best I give some examples rather than try to explain the lingo.  After all, I am not wikipedia.

Here are a few examples of what one mom might say to the other:

  • Obviously starting with, “What time is it?  Wine-thirty!”
    mom juice
  • “Are you ready for some beverages?”
  • “We should conference tonight!”
  • “I can pick up some mom juice and be there within the hour!”
  • “Need a refill in your sippy cup?”
  • “Ready for a little sumpthin’ sumpthin’?”
  • “Let’s go get our grape on!”
  • “Girls Night Out!”

Now, that’s a smidgeon of phrases between women discussing wine.  It’s the talk of moms everywhere getting together. Moms preparing to pour their choices of bliss in either red or white.  Chilled or room temperature.

But even when mom is staying home alone she will need some code phrases.

  • “It’s mommy time.”
  • “I’m giving myself a timeout.”
  • “I’m thinking things over and I will let you know what I decide.”
  • “I am taking a bath.”
  • “I need a moment.”
  • “This is mom’s break time.”
  • “Please, I am in the bathroom!”
  • Or the one nobody can miss, “LEAVE ME ALONE!”

Times are changing rapidly.  Social media is the way of the now in how we communicate.  To discuss lingo and leave out hashtags, that is ridiculous.  There are thousands upon thousands of hashtags out there.  Moms need to know they have the support of fellow moms.  Any mom-shaming or mom-judging, those moms are seriously in need of support.  Let’s be real…probably in need of a glass or two of wine!  Find your mom wine rituals support right here!


Hashtags for Support too:

#momjuice #wineformom #motherhood #beverages #winebath #bedtime #parentingwithwine101 #nightcap #redwine #whitewine #wineandyoga #winethirty #winetastings #havingfun #wineparty #womensupportingwomen #women in business #wineo’clock

Benefits of Daily Mom Wine Rituals

The Beginning of Mom Wine Rituals

Since before the updo of the scrunchie style, we have been partaking the liquid of grapes.  That is specifically fermented grapes converted to fine wines!  As far back as 6000 B.C..  The Romans created the first clubs with wine bars sprawling across their cities.  Today, wine flows much like water in some circles!  Visions of those breathtaking Italian water fountains having been turned to wine.  Ahhh!

But is the worship of vino a good thing? We wine-sipping tipplers do a collective happy dance whenever a new study is published promoting the health benefits of wine in moderate consumption … as we plug our ears and hum loudly when other studies come out highlighting the health risks.

Mom Wine Rituals Induced by Preteens Across America

Science Has Its Say

So with that in mind, here’s a look at all the different things science says about what can happen at wine o’clock — the good, the bad and the ugly all in their fermented glory.

To start things off, just what is moderate consumption? A standard drink is equal to 14.0 grams (0.6 ounces) of pure alcohol, which generally equates to 5 ounces of wine (and is roughly equivalent to 1.5 ounces of liquor or 12 ounces of beer, though variations in strength will throw that off). According to the Dietary Guidelines for Americans, moderate alcohol consumption means having up to one drink per day for women and up to two drinks per day for men. Most studies quantify amounts used in research.

Consumption vs. Absorption

Okay, so those are the standards for moderate consumption.  But what if I add ice cubes to my 5 ounces?  Just sayin’!!!  Or what happens when I drink two glasses and my bestie drinks two glasses but I weigh at least a comfortable 15 pounds or better?  That becomes a matter of absorption and how blood alcohol level can be affected based on weight and consumption.

For that matter, when we start digging into the subject of blood alcohol there are a number of factors to consider.  Typically, males are able to consume more than females.  Medications can severely affect a person’s system while drinking alcohol.  In fact, I highly discourage mixing medications with alcohol.

For Your Health with Doctor Approval

Before you do take a sip of wine, please be certain you have discussed any potential medication reactions with your medical provider.  Of course, health concerns are the reason you may be taking medications in the first place.  Use good judgment.  Only you know what your health can handle.  As for me, I promise my daily mom wine rituals help lower my blood pressure and reduce my anxiety.  Especially after having walked into the bedroom of my preteen!

A  Preteen Story to Share

Her Story

I was on Facebook the other day and read a completely amusing post from a friend.  According to her story, as her son was passing by her, she began smelling an offensive odor.  In her explanation, the scent of sour fermented sh*@!  (NOT to be confused with the delightful fermented scent of fine wine)!

Picture this happening.  She initiates her motherly/private investigator ways and she discovers a treasure trove of treats in the backpack.  Dumping them out, she now understands the source of the smell.  Treacherous contents of baggies of old, half eaten food.  The best part of her story is she finds a half eaten box of Chinese food.  I had a great photo but lost it.  It was priceless.

My Story

As I mentioned above, I walk periodically into my pre-teen’s room of no return.  There is lot more surface to cover on the bedroom floor than a backpack.  I too make a discovery when I just happen to look inside the door.  I see my own preteen son’s collection of half eaten food with wrappers everywhere.  What else might you ask?  Right there in the middle of it all, on the floor, Chinese food boxes with food still there.  I can share with you all the details of ongoing conversations about bedroom cleanliness.  My mom can testify to the state of her grandchild’s bedroom and my frustrations regarding this topic.  Instead, I use some of that mom wine rituals lingo and I pull open a cork and ahhh…pour a glass of wine.

More Ways Mom Wine Rituals are Good For You

Boosts antioxidants

 Much of the research interest in wine has to do with antioxidants. Known as polyphenols, and flavonoids and resveratrol, these antioxidants are believed to work to protect the cells and tissues against harm that can lead to various diseases like cancer and heart disease. Wine, especially red wine, is loaded with them.

I swear sometimes I can even taste the health bennies when I sip on a real fine dry red wine!  It’s like having your heart tumbled on a gentle cycle with an all natural made for the heart Woolite like product.  For those of you who don’t know, Woolite is great for nylon soaking/washing.  Oh stop!  I haven’t worn my nylons in years but it doesn’t mean I didn’t forget how to launder them!  Fill the sink with warm water, add Woolite, sit down in my chair, curl my legs up and sip on my wine as my nylons soak.  See?  Then rinse when I get up for a wine refill!  Laundry and my mom wine rituals all in one.  That’s called multi-tasking!  That’s what moms do…multi-task!  Back to wine bennies…

Mom Wine Rituals Induced by Preteens Across America

Wine May limit atherosclerosis

According to the American Heart Association (AHA), a number of studies suggest that the polyphenolic compounds in red wine may play an active role in limiting the start and progression of atherosclerosis, a disease in which plaque builds up inside the arteries.

Plaque is not what we want to have building up inside our arteries.  When I think of plaque, my mind first takes me to a lovely wall plaque I have hanging in my living room.  It has an old Irish blessing on it.

My next thought of plaque is of course, dental plaque.  But artery plaque, I forget what I don’t see or what I am not taking care of regularly.  It’s not like we climb on to the scale and can see our arteries.  Being a mom, I go through the check list of needs for everyone in the family, including pets, neighbor kids, neighbor pets, neighbors.  I don’t often think of myself and my health.  For that reason, I LOVE that a glass of wine daily can be of benefit in keeping away arterial plaque.

Decreases diabetes risk

meta-analysis of observational studies, published in Diabetes Care, found a 30 percent reduced risk of type 2 diabetes in moderate alcohol consumers. Another large study found the risk of drinking even less than one drink a day five times a week offered a 36 percent lower risk of diabetes.  What great news for the daily mom wine rituals as a nightcap.

The rate of diabetes, both 1 and 2, are increasing dramatically across America.  This is a health condition.  For those dealing with diabetes, it is incredibly important you watch your insulin levels.  Know where you are at when it comes to your diet, your medications and talk with your medical provider about YOU and safety concerns with you consuming any alcohol.

Alcohol interacts in possibly dangerous ways with a number of medications, including acetaminophen, antidepressants, anticonvulsants, painkillers and sedatives.

Extra Bonus Benefits of Wine

  • Increases ‘good’ cholesterol
  • Decreases risk of heart disease
  • Lessens risk of heart attack

Still More Reasons to Feel Good About a Glass of Wine a Day

  • May reduce risk of stroke
  • May reduce the risk of some cancers
  • Lessens likelihood of gallstones

The Not So Good News About Alcohol Consumption

Messes with your folate

Alcohol blocks the absorption of folate, the important B vitamin that, among other things, helps build DNA, and is essential for accurate cell division. Alcohol also inactivates folate in the blood and tissues. It’s possible that this interaction may be how alcohol consumption increases the risk of cancer.

For women planning families, this is a very important bit of information to consider.  Pregnancy and development of babies is very interdependent on folic acid.  Low folic acid prior to pregnancy can make getting pregnant that much more difficult. It is possible low folic acid or lack of can be a reason for infertility.  Once pregnancy is achieved, low folic acid can compromise viability of the fetus.  Neural birth defects and other birth defects can occur.  Ref 2 Below:  You can read more about this here.

Daily Mom Wine Rituals May boost breast cancer risk

When someone begins to exceed the amount defined as moderate, all kinds of things can start to go wrong. Numerous studies have shown that too much alcohol can contribute to cardiovascular disorders, high blood pressure, and certain electrical disturbances of the heartbeat. Excessive alcohol use can lead to liver cirrhosis, a plethora of cancer types, pancreatitis, neurological disorders, motor vehicle accidents and addiction.

But even moderate alcohol seems to increase the risk of breast cancer. More than 100 epidemiologic studies have shown that the risk of breast cancer rises with increasing alcohol intake. A meta-analysis of 53 of those 100 studies showed that women who drank more than around three drinks a day had 1.5 times the risk of developing breast cancer as nondrinkers. In general, researchers found that for every 10 grams of alcohol consumed per day (slightly less than one drink), there was a corresponding 7 percent increase in the risk of breast cancer.

Parenting With Wine 101

Parenting right or wrong?

I am presenting this idea of parenting with wine 101, not that this is a new idea.  In fact, this is a tried and true method for a secret society of women raising children probably going back centuries.  Think back, we did establish wine clubs long ago. In fact, they have been in existence for thousands of years, going back to Roman cities.

My perspective is as my child is now a preteen and heading into the teenager years.  I admit my parenting did not begin when my child hit preteen.  I truly have been parenting since Day 1.  Fair to state, I cannot guarantee my success.  Nor will I claim defeat and failure.  What I am learning is there is a balance of these, successes and failures.  Both my kid and myself have moments of feeling triumph and defeat.

When Can You Justify Wine with Parenting?

Mom Wine Rituals Induced by Preteens Across America

From when I first became pregnant until this day, I still hear warnings of the terrible two’s.  Like the year of two is a plague and then suddenly it ends around the age of 13.  What a crock of crap that is…I am here to tell you right now!  It’s all challenging.  You don’t know if you are ever doing it right.  You don’t know when you are doing it wrong.  There is no book of directions.  There is no warranty.  No refunds.  Absolutely no returns!  So who is to say having mom wine rituals is acceptable or not?

Personally, I find ages three through four tough.  My child learned some words during year two.  Year three and four, more words.  Words create sentences.  Sassy sentences.  “No, I don’t want to!”  Selfish sentences.  “That’s my blanket!”  And then comes the art of lying.  “She did it.  She (the cat) put all the trucks down the potty!”

My point is, you can join the club anytime.  You don’t have to be a mom of a preteen!

The Preteen Saga Continues

When Mom Feels Worn Down

However, as the mom of a preteen, I am worrying ahead of the things to come.  This is the time when independence really grows.  The beginning of these individuals that once listened to adults.  My answer of “Because I said so…”, it’s not working anymore.  Today it’s my child informing me, “I’ll be back later.”  Tomorrow it could be, “I’m taking the car!”  I know I am going to need a glass of wine for all of this!

Therefore, I sigh with relief when my fellow mom appears at my door ready for a glass of wine.  She says, “Let’s get our grape on!”  Tears come to my eyes as I relay the battle of the day.  She steps in and can bribe my child to significantly clean up his room for five bucks!  Where I can offer $10, argue for six hours and still not make any progress.  Not that the room is totally clean or even to my standards, but there is evidence of a floor.  Dishes are back in the kitchen where they belong. Two years in a row I have been asking for eating utensils on my Christmas wish list because they disappear.

Then Another Mom Picks You Up…and the Mom Wine Ritual is Initiated

Once my other mom friend has my preteen in motion, she steps in to pour me a glass of wine.  That swirl of fermented grape in the glass, women supporting women, and the mom wine rituals begin.  They are happening everywhere across America!  That first sip, a refreshing ahhh…!

Forward moving, I have come up with my own solemn vow for handling preteen and teenager circumstances such as these I have mentioned.


I pour myself a glass of fine wine and sip

I vow to enter my preteen’s room only when necessary

to negotiate all obstacles to the best of my ability so as not to break something I paid for

as a gift to him

and pick up as little as possible leaving him in his own filth

I sip from my wine

I pledge to let him learn his lesson(s),

to not have a photographic memory of the decay

and rot in which he thrives,

along with his dirty socks

and not notice when friends, also with dirty socks

add to the Gar’ BohJa.

I take a bigger sip of my wine

While he walks out the door and informs me of his plans

I knowing he is not completing chores or asking permission to go,

I am confident for I will be here when he comes home

to remind him

I take a big swig of my wine.

I look forward to the first visit from a girl

when she sneers at the horrific scene he leaves

behind him in his room


Are you kidding me?

I pour myself a SECOND glass of fine wine

AND take a sip from the bottle!

I promise myself I will remain calm

and collect when I have the “talk” with him

and demand his bedroom door stay open

when there are visitors of the opposite sex!

My final vow…

I WILL take one more glass of wine, please!

Mom Wine Rituals Induced by Preteens Across America

Keeping It All in Check

Wine, alcohol in general, should not be used entirely as a way to escape problems.  As we have covered, too much consumption can be detrimental to your health.  It can impact everything in your daily life including hurting yourself, your family, friends and more.  While I am using the example of tensions and stress of raising children as reason for a glass of wine, I am encouraging moms to use wise choices for drinking.  Enjoy but don’t overload!

To drink or not to drink?

The Centers for Disease Control and Prevention says that it is not recommended that anyone start drinking or drink more frequently just because of potential health benefits since moderate alcohol intake also is associated with “increased risk of breast cancer, violence, drowning, and injuries from falls and motor vehicle crashes.”

Moderation is key

The Harvard School of Public Health points out that alcohol is both a tonic and a poison. “The difference lies mostly in the dose. Moderate drinking seems to be good for the heart and circulatory system, and probably protects against type 2 diabetes and gallstones. Heavy drinking is a major cause of preventable death in most countries. Nearly half of all traffic accidents in the U.S. can be linked to alcohol use.  Over consumption of alcohol is a serious problem with often serious and severe consequences.  Individuals with family history of alcohol abuse, or their own abuse, should avoid drinking alcohol.

glass of wine a day will affect us all differently. Whether or not to have a drink at the end of the day requires careful balancing of these benefits and risks.  Remember to talk with your health care provider and try to understand a little science behind all of it too!

mom wine rituals

All is Said and Done

The day will come when my child, this preteen I have brought into this world, will leave the nest.  Someday, this boy child will have grown into a young man, eventually a mature grown man.  I know all the challenges we face in raising children come back to us in our greatest rewards.  The rewards are given to us in little ways and big ways all along the journey.  One day, I hope to be watching as my grandchildren hit their preteen and teenager years.  Come back and ask me then if I think I got this parenting thing right.

To my preteen…and the one following right behind…I love you!  I love you through and through, over the rainbow to the heavens too!  Oh yes, I do!

For all you moms…cheers to you!


P.S. I have not had a glass of wine while I have been sharing my story.  But now that I am done, I have a wonderful box of wine delivered to my door today.  I am EXCITED to open it.  These boxes of wine delivery are like having Mother’s Day, a Birthday and Christmas all in one — but EACH and EVERY MONTH!  I love to discover what country my wine is from this month.

I will read about the white wine, read about the red wine.  Then I will choose which bottle to open, pouring one glass.  I will enjoy my night cap.  A final peek into everyone’s bedroom to see the covers are warming them. I make certain there is at least a clear walkway in case of an emergency.  Check that electronics and lights are out!  My bed and my pillow will get a light spritz of lavender vanilla linen spray.  Finally, I will sink into my comfort zone, drift off to sleep and start all over again in the morning.  Goodnight! Salut!

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Mom Wine Rituals Induced by Preteens Across America

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Mom Wine Rituals Induced by Preteens Across America

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