Precious girl talk over the phone is out the window once your kids reach a certain age. Don’t ask me the age because I can’t see through the last 10 minutes.
Or.excuse me, I can’t hear myself talk since my children were capable of making noise because they felt like it. Vaguely, I remember my mom on her phone calls when I was younger. I was curious who she was talking to and if they were talking about me. I am pretty sure I was a phone distraction perpetrator as a child. But now I am the mom.
Is Anything Sacred?
There is nothing sacred about a phone call for mothers. And please forgive any mother who is on the opposite end of the phone when you are the caller. If we could, we would lock ourselves in a serene, tropical paradise. Take your call while sipping an umbrella drink and hold an intellectual conversation with you. If for no reason, other than to prove to ourselves we can still hold discussions without referring to the potty or a binky.
Mom to Mom on the Phone
Occasionally, I get the phone call from another mother. This happened just the other day. As we were talking, I had to pour milk in a sippy cup and give it to one son while I was getting a snack for the other. Hollering at sippy cup kid to get out of the faux tree basket (he likes to eat the fake nesting grass). Yelling at snack kid to get off the counter and sit at the table with his snack.
Meanwhile, the other mother was hollering for her child to do or not do something. I can’t tell you what because I was in the middle of my chaos. Then that brief second hit where my kids were situated and I could be the person on the end of the line listening. That’s when it dawned on me. Mothers should only have conversations with other mothers.
Non-Productive Call Happens
Because my conversation with the other mother took about 20 minutes but we only talked for maybe 3 minutes of that 20 minutes of our lives. And we both understand. Neither of us is offended. There was no judgment of either of us being rude or impolite or inconsiderate. And we both know we will have this same conversation again because neither of us heard what the other said.
Both of us also understand our next conversation will be déjà vu. Somehow in all of this, we have a tentative plan to arrange a play date if we can ever arrange our schedules. Then, finally, during our play date and the kids are busy running around screaming with each other, our conversation will prevail and we will squeeze in that precious girl talk that is vital to our sister souls.