Fascinating Features of Germany

Ready to vacation?  Discover and enjoy the many fascinating features Germany has to offer.  Tour the castles and travel the rivers.  You will be amazed by the rich history of this country and the breath-taking landscapes.  Explore European heritage and hear castle walls tell stories.

fascinating features of germany

Fascinating Features of Germany – The Castles

Did you know that Germany has over 20,000 castles and most of them are over 100 years old?  It could take a lifetime to visit each castle.  Of course, many castles have been converted to bed and breakfast hotels and museums and such, yet many remain private homes.  The residents may not be royalty but typically are still quite wealthy.

featuring features of germany

The most popular castle is the Heidelberg Castle.  It has more visitors than any other castle and is the one most people think of when they talk about German castles.  Another one that is most recognizable, but not for its actual castle, but rather a replica is the Neuschwanstein.  Also called the “Swan Castle”, this castle was the influence for the design of the Disney Castle.

For a family friendly castle, visit the Braunfels Castle.  Larger than life and overlooking the Lahn Valley.  Lovers of fine architecture and stunning gardens are the most appreciative of the Zwinger Palace.  The Nymphenburg Castle in Munich is conveniently located making it a favorite for average tourists and old royal families.  Surely, the next castle of mention will bring back memories of a favorite monster, the Frankenstein Castle.  Whether Frankenstein triggers fear or not, Germany has that covered too.  Many of the castles are reportedly haunted but one of mention is the Schwerin Castle.

Cathedrals and Churches

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Cathedrals and Churches do not populate the landscape of Germany nearly as much as the castles.  However, these buildings often date back to the middle ages and have impressive fine details in architecture.  It’s astounding to look upon these details and imagine how many years it took to construct these fine specimens.  They didn’t have the luxuries of modern day tools and pre-manufactured parts.  Certainly, visiting any of these Cathedrals and Churches are worth the time, regardless of your religious beliefs.  The leading suggestion is the Cologne Cathedral.  It has been dedicated to the three wise men referenced in the story of the birth of Jesus.

Fascinating Features of Germany – The Rivers

The largest and most well-known river in Germany is the Rhein River, (English:  Rhine).  It flows throughout Germany from Switzerland to France and is considered the artist’s muse.  The second longest river and next best-known river is the Danube River.  The rivers connect many of its cities and villages.  Three highly recommended villages to visit for the leisure traveler not the average tourist are Mainz, Bacharach and Sankt Goar.  They are all along the Rhein River.  Bacharach and Sankt Goar have beautiful vineyards for the fine wine lover.

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River Cruises

Surprisingly, river cruises are broken down to suit the traveler and the traveler’s desired experience.  Someone who is a novice cruiser and average tourist will appreciate the more traditional experience of a river cruise on the Rhein River.  A traveler more immersed in the finer experiences of aging wine will find more fulfillment in a river cruise along the Mosel River.  This cruise will visit medieval towns, steep valleys and fine wine vineyards.  Other travelers are much more interested in participating in experiencing the culture of Germany.  A blend of scenery and city attractions highlight German living today.

Travelers can choose river cruises from four days to 18 days and have additional options for river cruises along many of the tributaries of the big rivers.  Some tours cover two rivers.  Keep in mind, these are river cruises, not ocean cruises.  Amenities are less likely to be available for the posh-minded traveler.

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Fascinating Features of Germany — The Cuisine

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Germans love the comfort foods!  They consume more pork than any other meat.  Bratwurst is a common sausage but only one of hundreds.  There is also blood sausage, Blutwurst.  Not one of my favorites yet there are connoisseurs that consider it a delicacy.  Most recipes are handed down through the generations of families.  One of the beloved traditional dishes is a schnitzel.  This is a pounded flat cutlet of veal or pork, breaded and fried.

Side dishes in Germany regularly include pickled vegetables, relishes, pickles and sauerkraut or cabbage.  Another favorite is the potato because it grows so well.  Potato salad is said to have originated from German cuisine.  Spaetzle is a uniquely prepared egg noodle dumpling.  Germans also love to use condiments, particularly mustards and spices.  

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Almost forgot, we need to acknowledge a German favorite snack, the pretzel!  The soft treat twisted into that unmistakable configuration is such a great snack, there are businesses in our U.S. malls selling only pretzels with condiments and beverages.  People seek them out at fairs, carnivals and sporting events!  Salted and unsalted, mustard or cheese…for adults, beer cheese and beer!

Although Germany is the third largest producer of fine wine, following France and Italy, it is better known for its beer.  Beer has been around for centuries, but the popularity of their favorite Oktoberfest festival rocketed its reputation.  Germany is synonymous with beer and beer steins.  But don’t discount their wine industry!  There are new wine trends happening in Germany as we speak!

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Table Manners and Expect This Not That

One thing is certain in Germany; tradition.  Table manners are part of that tradition.  I was raised to use a knife, fork and spoon.  It was considered worthy of being scolded when I put my elbows on the table or when I made slurping sounds while eating or drinking.  Germany carries these traditions of table manners to this day.

It is expected a person dining will have a fork and knife in hand, never allowing a hand to rest on a lap or the table.  Elbows are not to be placed on the table.  Eat your French fries with a fork, there is no need to use your fingers for eating when you have a bona fide utensil at your disposal.

You can also expect to request water.  Unlike the U.S. where most restaurants automatically bring you water in glass, Germany provides water in a bottle for a cost.  If you prefer tap water, you will have to request it specifically – no word on cost for that.  You can also count on paying for any additional beverages.  There is no such thing as a free refill.

The Music Scene

Germany claims its music marketplace position as 4th in the world.  Ahead of Germany is the USA, Japan and the UK.  The music vibe is just as diverse as we find in the USA.  Leading genres in Germany are German and International pop, with a deep history of treasured and famous classical greats.  See if you don’t recognize at least one or more of these legendary composers.

10 German Giants Of Classical Music

  • Georg Philipp Telemann (1681-1767) …
  • Johann Sebastian Bach (1685-1750) …
  • Christoph Willibald Gluck (1714-1787) …
  • Felix Mendelssohn (1809-1847) …
  • Ludwig van Beethoven (1770-1827) …
  • Robert Schumann (1810-1856) …
  • Richard Wagner (1813-1883) …
  • Johannes Brahms (1833-1897)
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fascinating features of Germany

The greatness of these talented individuals that impressed music history cannot be denied.  But ironically, there is one singer today that would give any of them a run for their money to fill a concert venue.  That’s right…David HasselhoffThe Hoff!  While he has fans worldwide, The Hoff has a wider fan base in Germany than anywhere else in the world.  Americans are shaking their heads, scratching, and wondering why.  It must be the 80’s nostalgic sound!

Germans prefer listening and purchasing music on CD over digital or virtual options.  The comeback of vinyl is hitting everywhere.  The country is right there to support it too.  Germany is also seeing the rise again in classical music.

(Related article:  Summer Music and Wine)

Fascinating Features of Germany – Oktoberfest

Oktoberfest is the world’s largest fair.  It is considered a folk fair, a beer festival, a traveling carnival of sorts all wrapped up in one 16-18 day festival.  Festivities begin mid-September and always end on October 1st.  The event began as an invitation to all to join in the horse racing festivities and celebration of a royal wedding back in 1810.

The 19th century brought an evolution to the festivities adding in tree climbing, bowling alleys, and swings.  The first booths to serve bratwurst and beer were set up.  People began wearing traditional costumes and would dance to live music.  The 20th century highlighted the drinking of beer during the festival and saw a rise in Bavarian hat wearing.

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The festival continues to run in Germany and is always evolving on some level.  Its influence spread across the world and in most U.S. cities and towns, Oktoberfest is celebrated.  Larger communities offer a fuller, more traditional German experience with competitive games, music, dancing. food and beverages.  But even the smallest rural communities will have at least one diner offering schnitzel or bratwurst and sauerkraut.

Roots of Germany

It’s not realistic to describe prehistoric tribes establishing themselves in Germany as Germans.  Many historians and scholars will relate the German beginning to happenings in the Bible.  However, people who are non-believers of religion will not accept these theories.

What is undeniable are the wars between people geographically in the regional areas we now call Europe.  This includes Germany, France, Italy and so on.  Specifically, the conflicts between several tribes banded together to battle the Roman Empire.  As battles continued, the tribes migrated to the central part of the continent.

All in the Name

The Roman impression of these tribal warriors was of “warring men”, known as Germani.  Eventually, tribes and settlers in the area became known as Germans.  Despite any differences amongst them, collectively, they lived up to their reputation as warring men and were the starters of both World War I and World War II.

Moving forward, I am of German heritage.  Not 100%, of course, but enough that I have come from a long line of “stubborn” people.  It was either my great grandparents or great-great grandparents that made the trek from Germany to Unites States.

Like those before me, when I set my mind to do something, I fight fiercely to do it.  In one example, I had an opportunity to travel to Europe.  Unfortunately, time did not allow for us to spend a few days in Germany.  I insisted we needed to at least cross the border and spend a day there. Obviously, not enough time!  I missed so much more…

My Day in Germany

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I rode a bus from Salzburg to Berchtesgaden for the salt mine tour.  We stopped before going up the mountain at a little outdoor café and had a marvelous kuchen first.  It was quite a long time ago, probably 17 years or better.  But I remember how green everything was around us and flowers booming everywhere.  We boarded back on the bus and went up the mountain to the entrance of the salt mine.

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I remember stepping off the bus and overlooking the mountain ridge.  In the distance was an Eagle’s nest called The Kehlsteinhaus.  This is a famous piece of Third Reich era architecture overlooking the town of Berchtesgaden.  It was so isolated and at the seemingly top of the world.  Fitting, as this opened its doors in 1938 and was owned by Adolf Hitler.  It is one of many German historical landmarks.

Enter the Salt Mine

First, thank goodness we had been advised on appropriate dress.  We had jeans, shirts, socks and good tennis shoes plus a jacket.  The temperature was chilly.  Despite the large groups on the guided tours, there temperature remained consistent throughout the whole experience.

The Tour

There were narrow tunnels, open areas of pure white and stretches of total blindness.  The carts transporting us through the mine were sturdy but made such rickety clanking noises with occasional grinding and hesitant stalling.  It felt like we should worry about how safe they were to ride but we had no other option.  We only had to trust the equipment and the guide this was all safe!

The Slide of a Lifetime

There are two slides on the tour.  The tour guide warns you the slide is coming up.  It was short and sweet but now you realize you are deeper into the mountain.  This is the wrong time to be claustrophobic.  I recommend for claustrophobic types to avoid the tour and go straight to the gift shop!

The second slide is a bit different.  Imagine this is you…I already had my experience!  Here is where you exit the rickety transport cart because you are nearing the end of the tour.  Then you are given a burlap sack to sit on. Remember, you are in the MIDDLE of the mountain INSIDE the middle of the mountain, DEEP in the mountain.  It’s dark in there!  There is just enough light to disembark the carts and get situated on your burlap for what will be the SLIDE OF A LIFETIME!

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It’s your turn!  You get a little nudge and off you go!  You are flying down this steep slide faster than a speeding bullet.  It’s like a magic carpet ride but you have no control where you are going other than to know it’s DOWN FURTHER into the mountain.  And you are getting there incredibly fast!  You see this milli-second flash of light and next thing you know you have landed.

End of the Line

You made it down the slide!  Ushers immediately come out of the darkness to help you stand up and gather your shoes.  More people are coming down the slide.  Get out of the way and catch your breath on the sidelines!  See if you can bring your stomach back down from your throat.  Try to speak beyond a whisper after having screamed the whole way down the slide.

Somehow, we managed to find our way to the longest elevator ride back up inside the mountain to the exit.  Along the way, someone handed me a most flattering picture of myself during the magic flight down this SLIDE OF A LIFETIME.  I believe I had to pay for it.  But I absolutely didn’t want anyone else getting their hands on that picture – that’s blackmail!

The guided tour of the Berchtesgaden Salt Mine had concluded.  I loved it…and I wanted to do the slide again!  Yes!  I survived and was ready for more!  You will be too!  Anyway, I highly suggest planning at least one vacation day for spending it at the salt mine.  It was so much fun.  The gift shop is full of great souvenirs too!  Not just your typical shot glass variety!

Alas, there was not enough time in the day to do the tour again.  We boarded the bus for the trip back to the drop off.  Destination back to our hotel for a relaxing dinner accompanied by fine wine!  The perfect way to end our big day.  We loosened up and rehashed the slide experience with bursts of crying laughter.  So many tears of joy we may have added a bit of saltiness to our wine!



Fascinating Features of Germany – The Contributions to Modern Day

Germany has shared a few of its inventor’s inventions across the globe that have changed our lives then and still do now.  For instance, German inventor, Karl Friedrich von Drais, first introduced a contraption with a wooden frame that could propel you forward.  There were no pedals on that first model, but it was the inspiration for the bikes of today.

We can thank German inventor, 23-year old student Paul Nipkow.  He was the first person to develop a prototype for a television.  And let’s not forget the beloved garden gnome.  The first ceramic Gartenzwerg or “garden dwarf” was made in Gräfenroda, a town renowned for kitsch pottery.

Wilhelm Conrad Rontgen, a German Professor, is credited for the invention of the X-ray machine.  Adolf Gaston Eugen Fick is the first man to successfully fit a contact lens to the human eye.  The initial idea of a contact lens purportedly goes to Leonardo da Vinci but it’s one of those things.  We all have had great ideas we never pursued and now we see them selling on QTV or Walgreen’s shelves!  Let’s face it – the world needs Germany!


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(Additional recommended article:  Summer Music and Wine)

Thank you http://www.mygermancity.com/places-to-visit-in-germany for great information available on the castles and rivers and more.

fascinating features of Germany

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fascinating features of Germany