Mind Over Matter #2

Mind over matter.  We have all heard this diabolical phrase.  You see, mind over matter is simultaneously super easy because it is a choice.  And horrifically complicated, because it is a choice.  Gotcha!

How many times have you woken up to your alarm clock and thought, I don’t want to get up and go to work today?  Right?  That used to be me.  Now I DO work from home and I enjoy it.  But for those who leave the house to work, somehow you just put your mind to it.  Mind over matter you get up, shower, dress, brush/floss your teeth, pour yourself a coffee or tea and off you go.

Yet, you have this intense need for chocolate or for calling your favorite psychic hotline and its costing you.  Your dream destination travel money jar isn’t filling up very fast.  Can you use your abundant mind to reduce partaking of your habit in order to build for your dream?  Are you ready to change your life to achieve your desires?

Three P’s…

Persistence. Persistence is choosing a course of action and following through with action on a consistent basis regardless of any obstacles or challenges.

Perseverance.  Perseverance is similar to persistence.  In fact, people often use the two words interchangeably.  However, perseverance puts a goal at the end.  The goal is not reached as easily as had hoped so a person must persevere with a course of action over a longer stretch of time before success is achieved.

Patience. Patience is virtue for sure.  We all have levels of patience and practice patience differently under a variety of circumstances.  When we are ready to make a change in our life are more successful being patient and using the art of perseverance.  Alternately, for example, standing in line at the gas station with a candy bar.  I wanted the candy bar.  I filled my gas tank and paid at the pump.  I took action to walk into the store and select a candy bar.  I waited in line.  One customer. Two customers.  Then the gentleman that had five lottery scratch tickets bought a few more and I lost my patience.  I did not persevere to get my candy bar.  Instead, I put it back and walked out feeling hangry!

…and an F

Faith.  Faith is believing in believing in yourselfachieving your goal,  and believing in your dream,  and undeniably knowing THAT in which you have faith is 100% worth it.  Releasing doubt is crucial to this process.  I know if I had been vigilant about that candy bar, I would have enjoyed every bite.  My hangry satiated.  Instead, I lost patience dropping perseverance of standing in line.  Ultimately, I lost faith the candy bar was worth the wait.

When to Apply P,P,P, and F

There you have the three P’s and an F.  Now, let’s apply that to more significant endeavors than a candy bar.  For instance, your spouse has just been laid off, you have a second mortgage on the house, the car needs new tires and the alternator just died.  Creditors are calling you five days before your payment is due!

This is not an ideal situation. Let’s face it, something needs to happen and most logically that something is to get out there and get another job.  Your spouse, you or even both of you.

Chasing the Job

First, you work on updating your resume.  Second, you begin prospecting for available work opportunities.  Third, you bone up on your interviewing skills.  Then you begin your submitting your portfolio of a resume, cover letter, applications and any other requested material from your prospects.  You initiate persistence by submitting your portfolio to more than one potential employer.

Getting an offer from your first submitted portfolio the same day you submit it is rare.  It can happen.  You are especially fortunate if someone approaches you with a legitimate income earning offer.  Realistically, the average job seeker spends 6 to 8 weeks before securing a new position.  Of course, this varies based on the market, the career field, location and other factors.  In fact, it is wise to build a savings nest egg to cover at least six months of living expenses in case of hard times like this.

Still Chasing

Because you didn’t get that job on the first day, this is the time to kick in the perseverance.  The first week of your efforts didn’t end with results.  You turn around next week and start again.  This repeats week after week after week.  But you persevere because you know eventually something will come up.  All at once, you are practicing patience because you allow yourself more time persevering and persisting and faith because you haven’t given up.  You haven’t folded in the towel and chosen to become a vagabond.

The Pursuit of Happiness?

Suppose you and your spouse decide working for someone else leaves too much control in someone else’s hands.  Start considering what it would be like to build your own business.  A business that when you reach success, you reap the rewards, not another CEO that spent half the last quarter on a golf course while you busted your neck.

Your approach is the same as seeking a job.  No, not with resume building, etcetera but in using the 3 P’s and an F.  Definitely, there is more weight to all the P’s and F.  Why?  Because it’s all on you.  YOU are the sole person accountable for your success.



It All Comes Back

Are you asking yet how to practice the three P’s and an F?  Simple:  The answer is…

MIND OVER MATTER.  The same mind over matter that is the diabolical phrase we determined was simultaneously super easy and horrifically complicated.  The question here is not really a matter of IF you can do it, practice the three P’s and an F, but ARE YOU READY?

When we are motivated and driven because of our WHY we are doing what we do, then we are ready.  And only when we are ready will we successfully practice Persistence, Perseverance, Patience and Faith.

This is true no matter the situation.  You can transform from victim to hero, build a business, transition from non-believer to believerYour dreams can come true!



Next Article:  Who Cares for the Caregiver #3

Becoming A Caregiver  #4

Everyone Has A Full Plate #1

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