In Search of Sasquatch 1997 – #5

In Search of Sasquatch 1997 – #5 is the fifth of my Bigfoot series.  Although it is the fifth of my postings, it was the initial beginning of my Bigfoot journey in life.  It began as an assignment for a college English course.  The research stands to this day, however there are updates available.  I have not included updates with this posting.  The idea here is to share my starting point with other beginners of Bigfoot belief.  Let the conversion begin!

Introduction for Sasquatch 1997

It was late at night in the thick forest of the Gospel Hump Wilderness Area in Idaho.  Every year, for as long as I can remember, my mom’s side of the family has made the annual end-of-July camping trip to the “Hump”.

It was the summer of my sixth birthday, the same summer my parents divorced.  The smoldering campfire and the twinkling stars shed the only light.  Although the day had been blistering hot, the night was like an icebox.  Earlier in the day, everyone had scrunched into my uncle Dale’s Jeep Wagoneer to go to the trail drop-off point to hike into Bear Lake, where all the big fish lived.  The Jeep represented the only vehicle that could travel the treacherous mile long road.  Uncle Dale was definitely the only person in the universe that could DRIVE the steep, winding, narrow, rock road.  When we returned from our excursion with only a few bites to brag about, we sat down around the fire for Dinty Moore’s Beef Stew and roasted marshmallows.  The talking, joking, laughing and singing had begun.

The Evening Comes to an End

After a few rounds of Gordon Lightfoot’s “Cotton Jenny” and my uncle Terry’s version of the lengthy Arlo Guthrie’s “Alice’s Restaurant”, the evening approached bed time.  Grandma and Grandpa had already retired to their tent.  My aunt Shelley tucked in my cousin Kurt.  Mom had gone to our tent to straighten out our sleeping bags.  There were just a handful of us four and six year old camping die-hards and my uncles who remained for the official evening dousing of the fire.

We were all pretty tired and not saying much to one another.  It was in this silence that we heard the thunderous snap of a twig breaking.  It startled, and excited, everyone.  Expecting to turn around and find a deer lurking at the edge of camp, we were disappointed to see only the pitch black darkness of the forest.  Then my uncle Dale began the story that scared me half to death, the story of Sasquatch, otherwise known as ‘BIGFOOT”.

The Story of a Beast – Sasquatch 1997

He told us of a stinky beast who stood ten feet tall and had long arms and huge feet.  He was a hairy monster that lived in the woods, waiting to capture little children who wandered into the dark for his supper.

My uncle wasn’t too far from the truth.  The legendary “BIGFOOT” does exist.  In The Scientist Looks At The Sasquatch, Indians tell stories of a sasquatch, nicknamed “Whistler” (Rigsby 32) because “They whistle only, can’t talk” (Suttles 50), kidnapping children (48).  Bigfoot is recognized in many different languages and many different names but they virtually all mean the same thing, “the wild man in the woods” (Walker 10).  The name “Bigfoot” was coined by the American Press in the 1920’s based on the most consistent items of evidence, its footprints (Napier 23).

In Search of Sasquatch 1997  - #5

The whistling intrigued me.  When I think of a whistler, I think of my Grandpa Louie.  He would whistle along to the sounds of Connie Francis while he played solitaire on a well-used T.V. tray for hours in his favorite brown rocking chair.

A Rather Large Beast

The average height, according to Dr. Grover Krantz, an anthropologist at Washington State University, is between seven and nine feet tall (Scientist 79).  The shoulder spread is nearly half of the sasquatch height (Napier 85).  Dr. Krantz also reports the sasquatch body weight to be in the range of “500 to 1000 lbs….”  With a footprint “much like a man’s increased to about 17 inches” (Scientist 79) and hands much larger than those of a human, mostly due to the length of their fingers (Scientist 114).  The sasquatch arm is believed to extend to its knees and many people claim this creature exudes a powerful stench.

This large creature walks on two feet, just like humans, and has long hair covering his entire body, just like apes.  The color of a sasquatch’s hair varies between “red, brown, black, white and beige” among the reports (Napier 85-85).

Close to Home

Sightings of “wild men” have been reported in various places around the world.  Some of which include Russia, China and India.  I targeted my research more specifically in the Pacific Northwest where more than 2,000 people have reported seeing Bigfoot (Walter 10).  The greatest number of sightings have been reported in British Columbia and in Northern California near Willow Creek.  In fact, Willow Creek has been dubbed “Sasquatch City”.  Reports occurred beginning in the 1890’s, then in 1938, and occasionally ever since 1958 (Pyle 206).  Sightings of the massive creature have also been reported in the Blue Mountains of Oregon, near Mount Hood in Washington (Big 165), and approximately two hours north of Spokane, Washington (Sprague 86).

These sightings were a little too close to home for me.  Really, Spokane is not far from here.  If these creatures are as big as they have been reported, I’ll bet they can walk a lot farther and faster than I ever could.  It almost frightens me the vast territory they could cover in minimal time.

Sightings Make the News

On December 2nd of 1882, two cowboys reported seeing Bigfoot near Hailey, Idaho, while searching for lost cattle.  The story was reported in a Boston newspaper, The Illustrated Police News.  The article described the “wild man” as a creature whose body was entirely covered by hair.  The two men attempted to scare the creature away by making noises and firing their guns at it.  The creature responded by growling and then, by leaving the two men alone.

This was a very fascinating source.  I located the newspaper in the Special Collections Department at our own BSU Library.  I was surprised when the librarian informed me it was not something I could check out, but she would retrieve the paper.  When she brought it out to me, I understood why it had to be kept under such guarded conditions.  It was an authentic 1882 newspaper.  The pages had yellowed from time.  The illustrations were very neat, artistic in a prehistoric sense.  Mostly, I was excited to learn there had been a sasquatch sighting reported in Idaho as far back as 1882.

The Expert for Sasquatch 1997

As I continued my research, I located Dr. Krantz’s E-mail address.  Knowing he must be an extremely busy man with all his research and writing, I sent an E-mail but did not expect a response.  I lucked out!  He responded to my question about Bigfoot in Idaho.  I was ecstatic, elated, honored and proud.  I was also extremely grateful.

In personal correspondence, Dr. Krantz writes that sightings of Bigfoot in Northern Idaho are not rare (Online).  He claims individuals are hesitant to discuss what they witnessed with a stranger.  They are, however more likely to share their experience when the stranger is introduced to them my a mutual, personal friend.

Lurking in the Woods

Although my uncle Dale was pulling our leg, the likelihood of a Sasquatch being in the Gospel Hump Wilderness Area is not impossible.  Countless times, over the years, I would lie awake in my tent listening and trying to decipher the creator of thuds in the night.  Mostly I settled on the idea we had moose in our camp because they usually were spotted just a mile away at Wild Horse Lake.  When I awoke the next day, if I remembered, I would search for tracks left by a large animal.  Then again, my uncle Dale told us the moose nested in the trees, which is why I figured we could never find the tracks.  I dismissed the possibility of the sounds being made by a Sasquatch, perhaps too readily.

Does Sasquatch Exist…The Search for Sasquatch

The question remains, does Sasquatch really exist?  According to Dr. Krantz, the scientific community demands that five criteria be present before it acknowledges the existence of a new or previously unknown species.  The criteria are 1) sightings and footprints, 2) finding of bones and skin, 3) a newly deceased body, 4) a live specimen and 5) the study of the species in its natural habitat.  To date, the only evidence of the Sasquatch are the reported sightings and footprints.

I had heard recent rumors about a bone finding, possibly a sasquatch.  I could not, however, find any printed documents to support the rumor, so I e-mailed Dr. Krantz once more.  When I asked about the second criteria, the finding of bones, Dr. Krantz replied, “If any Sasquatch bones were found, I would be one of the first to know”.  I did review his published explanation for no known bones as well.  Animals tend to hide when they are sick or just before they die.  Then the bones deteriorate in a hidden spot subject to forest growth, weathering and other animals (Scientist 12-13).  He also stated that there were some characteristics of the footprints which he did not describe to anyone.  This has helped Dr. Krantz verify the authenticity of the reported Sasquatch footprints.

Earliest Records

The earliest record of the huge footprints dates back to 1811.  Explorer and Trader David Thompson noted an unusual footprint near Alberta, Canada.  He speculated the print belonged to a bear but could not explain the peculiar impression of toes and the ball of the foot.  It was much deeper than a bear print would be normally (Napier 73).  The sasquatch appears to have “flat arches, a double ball, and enlarged heels” (Big 77).  The footprints also show “faint dermal ridges” like a human print (Big 83).  More recently, in the early 1980’s, four distinctly different sets of “wild man” footprints were discovered in the Blue Mountains.  Just a few years later, in 1987, three more new sets of tracks were found.  In fact, there are almost two dozen different prints.

A Population

Those who support the existence of Bigfoot, such as Dr. Krantz, have been so bold as to suggest a Sasquatch population.  Perhaps a population in the thousands (Big 161-162).  With as many claimed sightings and footprints in so many places, I tend to agree there is more than just one Bigfoot.  Even some eyewitnesses claim to have seen a family of these half man-half ape like creatures.  The two sexes are distinguished by the appearance of sex organs.  Reports indicate a sasquatch nearing six and a half feet may have breasts, while the eight-foot sasquatch has a penis and scrotum (Big 155).

The Films

There are supposedly three actual films of Bigfoot.  Ray Wallace claimed to have filmed Bigfoot in California in 1957 but did not reveal that information until 1970.  In November of 1970, Ivan Mars of Colville, Washington filmed a nine-foot, 800-pound crippled Sasquatch.  Neither of which have been deemed authentic (Napier 93).

The most well-known film of Sasquatch was shot by Roger Patterson on October 20, 1967.  He shot 20 continuous feet of 16 mm color film lasting less than two minutes (Napier 89).  Patterson and a friend were in the area of Bluff Creek, Northern California hoping to come across sasquatch territory.  Neither of them expected to actually see the creature and were startled right off their horses with the first moments of their encounter.  The fall from the horses was also caught on the film.  Patterson regained his stance and continued filming.  I was discussing this film with my mom and my uncle and both of them remember being in college when the news story broke about the filming.  They both agreed it seemed pretty real.

Controversy of Sasquatch 1997

There is massive controversy regarding the authenticity of the Patterson film.  Some scientists point out the numerous inconsistencies in the body shape, gait, length of stride and head configurations (Napier 89).  Experts at Disney Studios believe the film would be impossible to create in relation to a costume for a human (Walker 11).

In Big Footprints, Dr. Krantz presents other evidence for scientists to consider.  This includes hair, skin scrapings, blood and feces.  Most testing has been inconclusive to the existence of a Sasquatch.  The skin and blood findings appear to have been a hoax.  Only a few strands of hair have been collected to support the theory of Bigfoot.  These strands were examined by “Jerold Lowenstein, a biochemist in San Francisco, …(he) found it similar to humans and African apes… (127)”.  Unfortunately, the “ten-quart” fecal droppings, found near Bigfoot sightings, have had little to offer as evidence either (128).  But scientists do agree these piles of waste are not associated with any known species in existence.

One Movie

During my research, I did rent a movie titled “Bigfoot”.  I found it at Movie Buffs, formerly Video Excitement, on Broadway Avenue next to Nu-Look Car Wash.  In light of what I have learned, I would say the filmmakers have done their own research.  Their portrayal and story of Bigfoot is closely related to the speculation and findings I have discovered.  I will not reveal the movie’s contents, instead I will recommend it be seen, if you can still find it.

My Conclusion since In the Search of Sasquatch

Throughout my research, I have come to two conclusions.  The first is that scientists are not willing to acknowledge any evidence of the Sasquatch as being proof enough to declare them in existence.  The second is that enough circumstantial evidence as been provided to make me believe Bigfoot does exist.  If not scientifically, then, at the very least, in legend.  Wayne Suttles words this very well in The Scientist Looks at the Sasquatch when he writes:

There seems to be plenty of evidence around that people enjoy talking about scary things and appreciate a well-told story about a frightening experience…Also, if you are alone in the mountains and something bounds away from under your feet and the hair rises on the back of your neck, isn’t it perhaps more comfortable to believe that it was something truly frightening than to admit that you were scared by a mere rock (Sprague 71)?

From Then Until Now

I wonder if Uncle Dale told us kids the story of sasquatch to laugh off his own fear.  After all, it was very dark that night and something made the noise we all heard.  As I recall, no one ventured far from the light of the flashlights on their way to their respective tents.  In the morning, we did search for the footprints of our late-night intruder, the suspected moose.  None were ever found.

As I plan for my next excursion to the Gospel Hump Wilderness Area in just a few weeks, I have Bigfoot in the back of my mind.  When the sun disappears, the stars shine brightly, and the fire slowly dissipates to burning coals, I will listen intently for strange, unidentified sounds.  My eyes will be open wide, adjusting to the dark perimeter of our campsite, in hopes of a glimpse of a creature, with a mythical status, named “Bigfoot”.

After the Essay

The summer semester of this English course ended with a final portfolio assignment which included a “Reflective Letter”.  I am including this here because I could hear my own voice talking about the change from being a non-believer to a believer.  I choose to share this transition with my readers now.

Sasquatch 1997 #5

Reflective Letter

I chose my essay, “In Search of Sasquatch” as my showcase essay.  I felt it was the essay I put in the most effort researching.  Researching was something I thought I hated, I thought it was boring.  It turned out to be the most enjoyable essay I wrote and the one I was most excited to share.

In my opinion, my topic of sasquatch was a strength in itself.  My intention was to write about something mysterious to everyone and something unique.  I also felt I had my own story to tell with my own curiosities.

Sasquatch was a myth when I started this project.  I believe the research I have done has brought this creature to life.  My audience has been given numerous ideas and facts to ponder in a well-organized manner.  Confidently, I can safely say…I am a believer, now.  Moreover, I would like to say…my readers are believers.


The highlight of the research was the contact I made with Dr. Grover Krantz.  I, personally, believe he is the most credible source I came across.  His books were fantastic sources but to correspond with him through e-mail was the icing on the cake.  This man has an incredible reputation with the scientific community, regarding being a sasquatch authority, in a sense.  I only add “in a sense” because the scientific community is not yet prepared to accept this creature as a species.

Chances Are…In Search of Sasquatch

The possibility of sasquatch in our home state of Idaho is another idea I believe adds to my paper.  I think we are all at least a little bit curious bout the creature to begin with but we are more intrigued with the notion of its existence when it is so close to home.  The information of sightings and Dr. Krantz’ own response to this theory seem to support this possibility.

In Search of Sasquatch 1997  - #5

I also feel my own recollection of the first time I heard about Bigfoot is essential the overall effect of my paper.  I assume most of my audience has a vague memory of when they were first told about this monster.

Although my research has controversial aspects, I feel my research is what truly makes this my showcase work.  I did a great deal of research and left out so much more information to support the existence of sasquatch.

Again, this was my most exciting essay.  I sincerely hope my writing gives my readers the same impression.

Update – In my search of Sasquatch, I now own a big metal cut-out so I can commune with him everyday!

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