The Letter V in the Morning; Part 1 – My Beloved V Words

The Letter V actually changed my life.  Here is part 1 of a 2-part story about it.  You see, the Letter V appears in great words, such as love, adventure and devotion.  All things we crave and need in our lives.  Most of the time, we don’t think of these things in terms of letters from the alphabet.  In my case, i have favorite words from the alphabet and this story is about three of those words.


And…Here is the Letter V in the Morning

The letter V surprises me.  I hadn’t given it much thought until it was all around me.  I began playing scrabble and kept getting stuck with V’s on the tray.  Then I realized my two favorite times of the month involve delivery of my two favorite products, Valentus Coffee and Wine (Vino) Ambassador.  But today, I discovered one more V word!

Do I Need a Disclaimer?

letter v in the morning

This is an expression of feelings often referred to as “venting”.  Which leads full circle to my Beloved V Words, very positive events in my day and finally, the addition of my new V-word!  Hey, if you are into numbers, did you figure out the letter V count in this last paragraph?  There’s plenty more V’s coming too.


This Just Happened

Let me explain how my new V-word came into the picture. About an hour ago, I requested the presence of my son. I had just finished listening to a student training call.  See, I listen every Tuesday night to these calls.  It is part of my Performance Blogging System business that I am so lucky and privileged to run from home!  These calls enhance my abilities as an instructor and inspire me to further the success of my students as well as my own success.

My son yells back from the other room telling me he is busy.  Give me a break!  He is watching YouTube videos and probably snuck the last of the chips bag into his room and is polishing them off.  I holler again and this time he asks if I can give him 4 minutes until the video is over. I tell him that is fine.  Finally, he comes in to see me.  As he messes with everything in his sight that doesn’t need to be touched or moved or messed with, I give him a couple of quick simple directions.

Is This My Son?

Now, I am certain my 11-1/2- year-old son has a severe build-up of wax in his ears. Surely, if not, he would have heard EVERYTHING I had just said… twice; done what I asked and couldn’t possibly be standing in front of me asking what I want! Either that or my son was abducted and this alien Fornite creature with hair gel and a gimpy grin is just messing with me!   He does that, you know?  Mess with me.  It’s one of his past-times.

letter v in the morning

Half-Way There

Alas, after repeating myself a few more times, one direction at a time, he had accomplished in a very round about way what I had requested with about 50% accuracy.  Then he proceeds to make strange noises and sounds.  These are totally unrecognizable sounds.  And loud.  Piercing and obnoxious.  I begin to question if this alien creature is part mythical animal.  Creepily, reminds me of Bigfoot and Chiffaw stories.

Okay, Back Up and Start Over

This Morning

Look, it’s getting late tonight, let me back up and give you some background.  I woke up early this morning to get the kids off to school.  My other son is 10-years-old.  His attitude is mostly quite chipper and sweet.  Every now and again he will yell out his displeasure.  He has Cerebral Palsy and other disabilities, so he can only express himself with sounds and facial expressions.  He doesn’t have words, but it doesn’t stop him from “chattering”.  Mostly, all is good in the neighborhood for him.

Waking Up…with the Letter V in the Morning

letter v in the morning

The morning routine starts with the alarm that goes off every half hour for two hours.  Snooze is hit at least twice during each half hour for the first hour and a half.  I have never been a morning person, EVER.  Coincidentally, my first son is the Wolf howling at the Moon until the last star disappears into the sunrise.  I suspect this is a result of my mother’s curse upon me that my child be like me, or worse!

Eventually, my 11-1/2-year-old son, the first one – Fortnite creature– wakes up.  Then, daily, he finds a way to battle with me over something nearly every morning.  Clothing, shoes, backpack, time, time to go to the bus, does he need a coat or not, did he remember to put something in his backpack, reminders to give his teacher something or take it to the office staff.  Did he change underwear?  Is he wearing socks? Hey, as a mom, you just have to ask these things.  And there better only be one answer – Yes!

I Love Them, But…

letter v in the morning

 Don’t get me wrong.  I LOVE my children!  I have called the school and asked them to slip them notes just to say I love them and miss them during the day.  When all the other mom’s took cupcakes to school for birthdays, I spent my time building multi-layered pudding and cookie crumb parfaits with whip cream and fruit to share with the class.

Then, I take them out of school at lunchtime for their birthdays.  I treat the birthday child to lunch and a movie date with mom only.  We do this every year.  And despite their getting older, we still use spare time to cuddle.

Time to Leave for the Bus

However, the kids leave for the bus stop at approximately 8:26AM.  Yes, there is the one that gets out the door at 8:32AM.  Slamming the door and pouting about me being rude or unfair all the way out.  Then the house gets quiet.  I hold my breath.  Slowly, I release my breath with a soft, barely audible sigh.  I close my eyes and pray for the next ten minutes.  Pray the kids didn’t miss the bus!!!

THE LETTER V in the Morning…Drum Roll Please!

letter v in the morning

This is where the letter V in the morning has such an impact on me and now is associated with my beloved V words.  Two of my favorite words start with what has become my favorite letter V.  Valentus and Vino.  Ok, I am fudging a bit calling my wine vino but when I offer you a glass of the finest wines available delivered to my door, you will be demanding I tell you how to get your own VINO.  But your curious about this Valentus stuff, eh?  Guess what!  It’s delivered to my door too.  AND…the middle of the word delivered…hello…is the letter V.  Letter V Counter, are you still counting?

Understand this much, VALENTUS is for VICTORY.  That’s right!  Victory, hands down, in making my day each and every day filled with upbeat energy, focus and super simple weight loss without much effort from me.  In fact, the only effort I put forward is to drink a cup of this Valentus coffee.  Then I feel the pounds melt away.  The letter V in the morning sets my whole day for Victory!

The Valentus Coffee Diet

LET’S GET REAL!  This is the BEST and MOST EFFECTIVE diet on the market and it doesn’t require ANY exercise or meal modification.  It promotes energy, natural energy – not shaky, jittery energy.  Naturally, your hunger is diminished, your cravings gone; and it happens in such a subtle way you never know it has happened.  You don’t feel you are missing anything, except that extra love handle!  I LOVE this coffee!  Guaranteed you will too!  The letter V in the morning is Valentus and Valentus equals Victory!

letter v in the morning

Back to My Day…

It’s All About Me – Oh, that’s wasn’t what we were talking about?  JK (means Just Kidding – in case you are not as hip as all the kids today – don’t feel bad, I just learned that one last week, or month, or year, whatever)

Hmm…Okay, Well, 10 Minutes Have Passed

I’m safe!  Ten minutes have passed.  Nobody has come back in through the door shouting, “We missed the bus!”  Whew!  My days from here on out are a little like the old arcade and Atari game, Frogger.  You see, the traffic is coming and to get to the end of my day, I have to dodge the traffic and survive.  My traffic consists of phone calls — business calls, doctor calls, school calls, solicitation calls and of course, robo-calls.  Then there is the time I spend doing chores, paperwork and calls for my disability family, clients and the associated agencies.  Plus, I live in a neighborhood with mostly disabled people and retirees.  Bless their hearts, always thinking of me.  However, their visits are not always timely or brief.

The Letter V in the Morning – Valentus is the Only Answer

Valentus is the only answer to my traffic congestion.  Plus, this great Valentus coffee brings me the green lights I need all day long.  It takes just a miniscule small scoop of Valentus Coffee powder added to water replacing your ordinary coffee.  My mom prefers hot coffee, but honestly, I have to tell you, I have been drinking this as an iced coffee and really love it.  I know I keep saying how much I love this Valentus because I do – I am telling you, the letter V has shown up in a BIG way!

After my coffee, I attack the chores, the to-do’s, the list of calls and then still have time to devote my attention to my Performance Blogging System (PBS) and my students.  All of this with the energy of a freight train.  When I miss a day of coffee, I am more like the little caboose. I think I can!  I think I can!  And I can, I know I can.  But the whole day feels like it is an uphill battle.  I am not going to give up and I will come back with a vengeance to attack with energy again.  I will have victory once more – and another cup of Valentus coffee, please!

Pssst…Not a coffee drinker?  No problem.  Valentus offers Hot Cocoa too!  Plus supplement products and pet health products.

The Day Flies By in a Flash

Time is a puzzle.  Either there is too much time and it feels we are waiting forever.  At the grocery store when the lady in front of you counts her 97 pennies from her coin purse.  Hey, I stop at 39 pennies.  You have to put some limits on this kind of thing!  Or when you pull up to a red light and watch what seems to be every lane but yours have a green light before yours turns green.

The flip-side of the time puzzle is looking down thinking an hour has passed to discover it’s been three hours.  All of a sudden, everything is in high speed motion.  Running around trying to find where you last set your keys down, realizing you didn’t get that meat out of the freezer and dinner won’t have nearly enough time to cook.  Oh – and the kids will be home from school any minute!  First things first, call for Food Delivery.


Find out how to make an income with Valentus too!


Next Article:  The Letter V in the Evening; Part 2 – My Beloved V Words

Everyone Has a Full Plate! #1

Mom Wine Rituals Induced by Preteens Across America

Coffee and Wine and Money

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letter v