Seasonal Mood Swings

Seasonal mood swings impact people year round. Especially, between winter and spring. Here are ideas to redirect those mood swings. Imagine and experience along with me.

Seasonal mood swings are exactly what I am experiencing today.  Watching the blustering winds bend the biggest tree branches like a contortionist.  I am inside warmed by the fireplace skimming amazing deals on the newest fashions of swimsuits. 

Spring giving us hints of hope with the first tulips blooming. Red robins appearing on the budding branches of my trees. Sensational Summer Fun Awaits in the Distance.

I know it’s only April, Easter isn’t even here yet.  But since January 1st, I have been working on slimming and trimming.  It’s a several month process of recovering from the holiday battle of the bulge to debut this ravishing mom beach bod!  Of course, I am not shy about this.  I have a pool in my backyard and bring in a little bit a fresh sand each year and Baby, I am at the BEACH!  C’mon Ladies – you know you can relate!

Sharing is Caring During Seasonal Mood Swings

I realize it would be unfair of me to not share with you these great resources I use to keep my seasonal mood swings at bay.  So, I have them listed here for your reference.  Of course, when you navigate your way through the many pages of my website, you will find plenty more gems too.  Enjoy!  And make sure you sign up for the updates!

Transition through seasonal mood swings with Fantastic shopping deals

Warm and Cozy Conveniences

Not being out of the woods yet for cold days, take a look at some of the fireplace accessories available.  With the cold season nearing the end, watch for clearance sales.  Update the set you have had for the last fifteen years.  You know the bristles on the sweeper brush are nearly gone. 

By the way, while you are shopping for these clearance items, check out some of the outdoor fire pits and patio lamps.  Envision sprucing up your backyard to convert it to an outdoor living space.  A place to entertain family and friends.  Imagine it being your own personal retreat that transports you into a whole new surrounding.

Swimsuit Trends

Shopping for swimsuits is one trip I dread.  Until now!  Now, I have found this online resource for swimsuits that offer every kind of style for each body type.  The best part is the affordability of these suits.  Seriously, I have paid nearly a hundred bucks for a good suit.  These are great suits and hardly dent my pocket book!

Slimming the Body

swimsuit fitting goals

I dropped the 80’s exercise tights, leggings and wrist bands a long time ago.  Left the aerobic classes!  I found this incredible weight loss solution that does NOT, I repeat, DOES NOT REQUIRE EXERCISE.  Nor do I have to sacrifice the foods I enjoy or starve myself.  If you are interested in my weight loss secret, visit my Combat the Holiday Pounds page.  You can thank me later!

The Seasonal Mood Swings are REAL!

Time Spent in a Day

I have enjoyed those snow days and the time I have spent reading some of the greatest books available.  At my bedside, I have a short pile of books to read still.  One I have read multiple times.  Another I have picked up and read a chapter here and a chapter there.  Plus, two more I haven’t cracked open yet.

However, that anxious itch is coming.  Longing for warmer days.  Longer days.  I am crazy ready to dig in the dirt and plant something.  I could do without the worms and other creepy crawly critters but there is nothing like the season for planting.  No more frozen ground. The rain-pelted mud dried.  It’s the smell of a fresh spring day and fresh dirt!  Planting the garden, cleaning up the yard, preparing for summer barbecues!  Yet, its still to early.  Hence, I am experiencing seasonal mood swings.

These Shopping Deals Put Me in Good Mood

Reading Enthusiasts

Since I was a young girl, I love to read and get lost in a good story.  My grandma always read books, Harlequin books.  Then, my mom is a big fan of reading.  She read the Harlequins but eventually graduated to Danielle Steele and others along those lines.  Myself, I rebelled the romance novels and have a hankering for the mysteries.  Whatever your genre preference, you will find a plethora of reading material here.

Organic Gardening

Check this system out.  Centuries old techniques with modern day technology.  Combined, you have your own Farmer’s Market.  Now, this is what I call planting a garden.

Battling Seasonal Mood Swings; This is My Best Ever Use of Time

My most favorite way of spending my time is working.  Yes, it’s true!  I love my job.  I am ecstatic, overjoyed and elated to have the opportunities I do working from home creating MULTIPLE streams of income.  Never in a million years did I ever think I would find myself working an online job from home.  I felt destined to have an 8-5 job in an office somewhere for my whole life.  When I stumbled onto Performance Blogging, I hit the jackpot!  It helps keep the seasonal mood swings at bay.  Plus, I have the flexibility to do this year-round, based on my time schedule, reporting only to myself!

Full Disclosure

As for full disclosure, here it is.  I mentioned the pool in my backyard.  My pool is quite small.  It is, in fact, a kiddie pool.  However, I LOVE pulling my lawn chair up to the edge and dropping my feet into this wonderfully cold hose-water filled circular basket of love on a hot day!

seasonal mood swings
I began “kiddie-pooling” at a young age! Like these young girls, pampering my feet!

By the way, I place it in the front yard, near my front door too.  Sound odd?  Wondering why I don’t put it in my backyard?  What about my privacy?  To heck with that!  I have my priorities in order!  I want to be there and waiting for the delivery truck when my fine wines shipment comes in every month.  The driver loves it too – he doesn’t have to come all the way to the front door. Sit back with some fine wine and healthy snacks! Listen to some groovy summer music — let’s make it a great day!

Adult kiddie-pooling! L-O-V-I-N-G I-T with Fine Wine!!!!
seasonal mood swings