Your Best Life in the 2019 New Year

A look at popular resolutions with strategies to achieve your goals. Your best life incorporates it all.

Let’s Kick Off the New Year with a Bang! 

I am talking about New Year Resolutions.  Goals to change your life and make it YOUR best life.  Achieve YOUR goals!  Not fix the goals you didn’t meet last year.  Forget repeating the same goals year after year – or at least with the same approach.  There are REAL SOLUTIONS out there just waiting for you to discover them.  And now, you have found them!

your best life

# 1 on the List – Weight Loss; Improve Your Health

Naturally, this would be at the top, right?  Yes, it is the same one from last year.  However, we have a new approach that is proven, safe and effective.  Get results without killing yourself at the gym.  Of course, eating healthy and regular exercise are common sense and go along with a proper diet.  I will always encourage those practices for healthier living.  But, without making those practices a dreaded chore, you will still lose weight using this solution long after others have given up.  I have more information about this under Health & Fitness.  Check out the Combat Holiday Pounds article!

# 2 on the List – Save More Money

Hey, if you are like most Americans, you just added a thousand or more dollars to your debt. The average added debt for the holiday season is approximately $1,020.00.  However, you put this into perspective and this debt does not include holiday extras. 

Imagine your debt total when you calculate the extra groceries to make holiday treats, entertain family and friends, or attend special holiday events.  Consider the updates to your Christmas décor, added outdoor lights, replacing light strings.  Christmas cards and postage. 

And if you are a real tree family, the cost of a Christmas tree is nothing to joke about anymore.  Our tree alone is equivalent to approximately 23 gallons of milk.  That’s about two months-worth of milk for my family of four.  Just under 3 gallons a week.  Check out my money saving tips to help you get started this year.

# 3 on the List – Learn Something New

Life needs new challenges to keep us engaged.  What is the best way to keep things challenging?  Learn something new!  Pick up a new hobby.  Learn something you have always wanted to know how to do even if nobody thinks you should!  Want to learn how to fly?  Then, fly!  Ever wish you could knit or quilt like your grandmother?  Go for it, knit and quilt!  Are tired of your job? Yet, don’t feel you have skills to jump ship and do anything else in today’s job market?  No problem! 

I can’t teach you how to fly, knit or quilt.  BUT…I can teach you a new skill set.  One that you can take anywhere when you are ready to learn. I will show you how to build your own business and make residual income to support a lavish retirement.  And you will gain support and encouragement you have never experienced in any other job environment.  And the learning doesn’t stop.  Let me share the world of Performance Blogging with You!

# 4 on the List – Become a Volunteer

The world is a better place when we all give of ourselves to help those who are in need.  This is true of any culture, any person or animal.  I had been taught a version of this growing up.  When a neighbor needed a cup of flour; we shared our flour.  Then, I needed clothes for school, my fifth-grade year.  My mom’s friend gave us her daughter’s outgrown clothes.  Innocently, I was enamored by this older girl – I wanted to be just like her.  Therefore, when I was gifted her hand-me-downs, I was thrilled! 

Paying It Forward

Then in the year 2000, the movie “Pay It Forward” came out.  Starring Haley Joel Osment and Helen Hunt.  The original assignment in the movie is to come up with an idea to change the world.  In this instance, a young boy creates a pay it forward system around doing good deeds for others.  The movie is heart-warming and heart-wrenching at the same time.  The message though is loud and clear.

The beauty of performance blogging is the way our program works is entirely based upon the idea of paying it forward.  The intentions of all our instructors, including myself, is to see our students succeed.  As our guru shares with us regularly, it isn’t worth being rich (in any way) until you are able to share your success in the success of others.  Come join me and we will pay it forward together.

# 5 on the List – Be Good to Myself

Our lives get so busy.  Time flies and the days go by more quickly than they did last month.  We talk about our memories as young grade school kids feeling as if the holidays would never get here.  Our anticipation for Christmas presents and school break was at an all time high by Thanksgiving.  The world seemingly stopping for the following weeks until Santa arrived.  Now, I feel behind schedule when I haven’t begun next year’s shopping with this year’s after-Christmas clearance sales.

My point is in all this bustle of time flying, we don’t set aside time for ourselves.  And when we do, we are quick to dismiss that scheduled time.  Either replacing it all together with another obligation, typically regarding another person, or postponing it.  Eventually, we postpone ourselves so many times, we finally quit trying.  Ultimately, erasing our entire schedule of time we had set aside for ourselves.

Again, I offer you a solution.  Follow me as together we relax with one of my most favorite things to do.  Coloring and wine.



Before you go any further, one more note of importance!  It’s about your approach to accomplishing your NEW YEAR’S RESOLUTIONS!  As I mentioned above, we want to enjoy success.  Let’ avoid failure and not exhaust ourselves with the same approach from previous years.  I strongly urge you to read my articles Know Your WHY, Find Success and Mind Over Matter, which was originally written as part of another series.  However, I go back to my own words regularly, reminding myself what I need.  I hope it will provide you with a perspective that makes you think twice about your approach for this year’s goals.  GOOD LUCK AND BEST WISHES!

The wish from my family to yours…Have a Happy New Year!


your best life
2019 hand-drawn Happy new year card. You can edit the colors or sizes easily if you have Adobe Illustrator or other vector software. All shapes are vector

your best life